Displaying 11 - 20 of 54.
The practice of yellow journalism has nothing to do with reality. These stories focus on prostitution, homosexuality, corruption and superstition. When you read these newspapers you have the feeling that these stories simply do not belong to the reality of our society.
The Coptic Orthodox Church celebrates the Golden Jubilee, fiftieth anniversary, of the consecration of Pope Shenouda III as a monk on the 17th of July. Pope Shenouda was consecrated a monk on the 17th July 1954. The celebration of this event will be held on the 17th of July in the Monastery of St...
"Jewish fundamentalism in Israel" by Israel Shahak and Norton Matsvenski shed light upon the different extremist trends in Israel, the most dangerous of which is the Messiahani group. This group is the most dangerous and effective when matters are related to both the internal and foreign policies...
More than 3000 Copts demonstrated in the church of Luxor, asking for the return of Bishop Amonius, the Bishop of Luxor, whom the pope deposed more than a year ago. They objected to the pope’s oral decision not to mention his name in the mass prayers.
The author visited the monastery and claims as a result that the story in Al-Nabaa was all fabricated. He spoke to Pachomius Al-Muharraqi who explained monastic life and described the monks’ living quarters. He stated that it was illogical if not impossible for the events reported to have taken...
The US Commission for International Religious Freedom met with Bishop Marcos of Shoubra Al-Kheima and asked him about the rulings given in Al-Kosheh killings, underage Christian girls turning to Islam and about the non-inclusion of the Coptic period in the history syllabus. Coptic Catholic Bishop...
Bahais are no longer satisfied with the life they are leading, hiding their beliefs. They turned up at Rose El-Youssef with a list of special requests. They might have planned this so they could show up formally and declare their active presence. They have mixed origins, some were Christians and...
Though Christians are not religiously obliged to visit monasteries, they often do. They are usually offered food. It is a good chance for young people to meet and get to know each other. Some church groups visit monasteries and then move to the nearest beach for a kind of entertainment.
With the elections of the syndicates approaching threats are raised, tensions develop and concerns are voiced. The most important issue is the penetration of the Brotherhood in those syndicates.
Does Christianity despise women? Does it see her as a second-class person and a dirty creature that does not have the rights of men? Many of the beliefs concerning women that are thought to be religious are actually a result of the effect of society and its habits and rituals. Christian women...


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