Displaying 81 - 90 of 108.
Not to care about appearances, humbleness and simplicity are three lessons that we can learn from the birth of Christ. Jesus Christ was born in a mean manger. He also "made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant." In the story of the birth, we notice that the Lord chose very simple...
Dr. Rodolph Yanney, president of the Society of Coptic Church Studies and founder and editor of Coptic Church Review in 1980, gave the RNSAW permission to bring his articles in the Copts Digest and the Coptic Daily Digest, published in 1999, together in one report describing the factors leading to...
The author, who is the Patriarch of the Catholic Copts, comments on the Birth of Christ saying that it was the birth of peace, love, equality among mankind and a starting point for a new humanity that forms one family whose father is God. He asked God to keep president Mubarak safe and healthy and...
Bishop Yohanna Qolta, the Deputy Patriarch of the Catholic church, believes that the month of Ramadan is a chance for social solidarity. The priest of the Hanging Church, described Mawa’id Al-Rahman as the Mawa’id of the national unity and love. Reverend Manees Abdel Nour said that Ramadan reminds...
Dr. Yohanna Qolta, the Deputy Patriarch of the Catholic Copts, spoke about his memories about the month of Ramadan and about the impact of Islam on his writings. He pointed out the reasons behind the appearance of the term "emigrant Copts" and the attitude of his church towards them. He also spoke...
The Catholic Patriarch may resign because of his old age. In that case, one of his assistant bishops, most likely Bishop Yohanna Qolta, may be appointed in his place.
The Evangelical church is again accused of giving the hymns it distributes on video tapes a western appearance. This includes the music, the way it is sung and the use of video clips which are not in accordance with the spiritual dimension of the hymns. The article points out the opinions of the...
Bishop Egidio Sampieri has unexpectedly passed away on Monday August 28. The bishop died of a heart attack and is mourned by Catholics in Egypt.
Subtitles: The Muslims: The apology is political and not religious. The Catholics: The Pope’s aim is spreading peace. The Orthodox: The apology represents a European vision and not a Christian vision. The apology declaration which was delivered by Pope John Paul II, the Pope of Vatican, during the...
Next Thursday, Pope John Paul II, the Pope of the Vatican will be arriving to Egypt. Due to this occasion, we have asked what are the Catholic problems and concerns that await the great Pope of Rome? What do they want him to do in the coming period? The answer came to confirm the fact that what...


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