Displaying 11 - 20 of 25.
A discussion about Tariq Ramadān, his roots and ideology.
Professor of Philosophy and Islamic Studies at Frieberg University and Geneva Faculty in Switzerland, Tāriq Ramadān, has stressed the need for Muslim integration into European societies.
‘Ādil Jindī states that Ramadān is a proponent of a theory that says Islam in the future will represent a bastion of resistance against Western hegemony, adding that the growing licentiousness in the West will eventually lead to the triumph of Islam.
Differences of thought within the al-Banna family; from Muslim Brotherhood to European Islam.
Ramadān says that the constitution and laws must be respected "when everything in the country is socially, culturally, economically and legally not against any Muslim principle."
Muslims must reach out and connect with other Britons as equal citizens, and resist the impulse to withdraw into isolated communities, one of the foremost thinkers on Islam in Europe will tell his audience this evening at the European Social Forum in London.
Dr. Muhammad Al-Beshari, head of the public federation of France's Muslims and deputy chairman of the French Council of the Islamic religion stressed that the Council, that was created one year and a half ago managed to develop a institutional framework for the advocation of French Muslims' causes...
American Authorities cancelled a one-year visa for work it had previously granted to the grandson of the founder of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. Tareq Ramadan, who teaches Islam at the University of Geneva in Switzerland and the University of Freirburg [in Germany], was planning to work for one...
The article is about Tareq Ramadan, the grandson of Sheikh Hassan Al-Banna, who established the Muslim Brotherhood. Tareq Ramadan is an intellectual who has enlightened points of view and the power to convince others. Ramadan leads the Muslims in France through a moderate Islamic thought. He...
The article reports about the response of Tareq Ramadan, a Swiss Islamic intellectual and the grandson of Hassan Al-Banna [the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt] to the decision of someone of the municipality of district No. 12 in Paris for canceling the lease of a hall where Ramadan...


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