Displaying 81 - 90 of 558.
 A former member of Jehovah's witnesses reveals some of the secrets about the organization to Sawt al-Umah.  
This article pertains to the status of Human Rights in Egypt, through the reporting of the US-based Human Rights Watch. A report from the HRW states that human rights in Egypt are deteriorating for a number of different groups throughout the country. Religious discrimination of Copts and Baha’is...
Al-Maydān reports about Maoris Sādiq’s request to impose international supervision on Egypt.  
The author comments on a book by some writers who provide different facts concerning the concept of “the other”.
The author blames the muftī for permitting a fatwá to be issued about polygamy being permitted in Judaism and Christianity. He believes that such a subject should not be discussed in an atmosphere of sectarian troubles.
The article observes the developments related to Dr. Yūsuf Zaydan’s novel ‘‘Azazīl’ and the on-going opposition it faces in the Coptic Orthodox Church.
The renowned scholar John Esposito has published his views on the effect that the election of President Obama will have on U.S relations with the Middle East. He comments that in the Muslim world, as in Europe and much of the world, Obama is welcomed as an internationalist president.
The article in Al-Akhbar, November 19, 2004 [AWR, 2004, week 47, art. 13] resulted in a discussion about reversal of values, something that has happened often in the history of writing 'history' and 'counter history,' including Jewish-Christian history with accusations [anti-Semitism] and counter-...
Isrā’īl Min Ayn wa ilá Ayn?’ [Israel, from where and whither?] is a book written by Muhammad Burhām al-Mashā‘ilī. The 15-chapter book provides information about the history of Jews and Israel and asserts the Arab identity of Palestine.
Husayn Sirāj reviews a book authored by Sulaymān al-Hakīm about Jews who proved to be true Egyptians. The book, which is entitled ’Yahūd…wa-Lākin Misryūn’ [Jews but Egyptians], focuses on the lives of Jewish Egyptian artists and their political and national stances.


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