Date of source: Thursday, May 22, 2014
“We chose him, and he believes in God” is a new song that was issued by al- Nūr Party to support al- Sīsī in the presidential elections.
Date of source: Sunday, August 5, 2012
Egypt is currently witnessing major developments like the new president’s performance, the lineup of the presidential team and the cabinet and disastrous lawlessness but this should not make Egyptians ignore the main battle, the writing of a new constitution.
Egyptians have to be vigilant otherwise...
Date of source: Sunday, August 5, 2012
The idea of patronizing, not presiding over, the church is now an issue raised for debating as the patronization of the congregation of the Coptic Orthodox Church is totally different from the idea of having the clergymen presiding over the church. ['Awnī Barsūm, al-Ahrām, Aug. 5, p. 10] Read...
Date of source: Sunday, August 5, 2012
The conciliatory session, in which the president's advisor, a delegation from the Shūrá Council, the deputy shaykh of the Azhar and the governor of Giza took part, successfully calmed the tension in Dahshūr after clashes erupted there between two Muslim and Christian families.
Mu'āz Muhammad Hasab...
Date of source: Sunday, August 5, 2012
Egypt is currently witnessing major developments like the new president’s performance, the lineup of the presidential team and the cabinet and disastrous lawlessness but this should not make Egyptians ignore the main battle, the writing of a new constitution.
Egyptians have to be vigilant otherwise...
Date of source: Sunday, August 5, 2012
The idea of patronizing, not presiding over, the church is now an issue raised for debating as the patronization of the congregation of the Coptic Orthodox Church is totally different from the idea of having the clergymen presiding over the church. ['Awnī Barsūm, al-Ahrām, Aug. 5, p. 10] Read...
Date of source: Sunday, August 5, 2012
The conciliatory session, in which the president's advisor, a delegation from the Shūrá Council, the deputy shaykh of the Azhar and the governor of Giza took part, successfully calmed the tension in Dahshūr after clashes erupted there between two Muslim and Christian families.
Mu'āz Muhammad Hasab...
Date of source: Sunday, August 5, 2012
Egypt is currently witnessing major developments like the new president’s performance, the lineup of the presidential team and the cabinet and disastrous lawlessness but this should not make Egyptians ignore the main battle, the writing of a new constitution.
Egyptians have to be vigilant otherwise...
Date of source: Sunday, August 5, 2012
President Muhammad Mursī ordered the authorities concerned to secure the return of Coptic families who left their homes during last week's deplorable incidents of unrest in the impoverished Giza district of Dahshūr and firmly enforce the law in order to preserve peaceful coexistence.
Date of source: Sunday, August 5, 2012
Dozens of Copts staged protests outside the Assiut Security Department after a Christian bride disappeared on her wedding night.
The department had received a report on Thursday (Aug. 1) from Haddāth Kāmil, who lives in the village of 'Arab al-Qadādīh, Abnūb township, that his daughter Dīnā was...