Displaying 3231 - 3240 of 3409.
The author received many letters comparing the story Al-Nabaa published about the expelled monk and the contents of "A banquet for Seaweed," "The Formation Period" and "Yathrib Community," which are believed to disdain Islam. His conclusion was that the law prohibits scorning religions and that is...
The author expressed the opinion that the cancellation of the pope’s weekly meeting was accompanied by fear of a return to the denominational atmosphere of the September 1981 events. The fact that the Coptic youth didn’t protest about Al-Nabaa to the People’s Assembly or the Supreme Press Council...
Three million Christians and Muslims gathered on the western [Nile] bank in Assiut to celebrate the Virgin mulid. Some of the visitors were asked if they were affected by what was published on the expelled monk. They answered that nothing can affect their love for the monastery.
Fahmi Howeidi believes that anger ruined the right way of handling the case of the expelled monk. Instead of regarding it as an attempt to attack the public system, violating the traditions of the journalism profession, it was regarded as a matter concerning only Copts. The angry people did not...
What Al-Nabaa paper wrote about the expelled monk places us before two similar persons: the deviant who let his desire for the flesh lead him, and the journalist who made this corruption public. Al-Nabaa chose to spread corruption instead of virtue. Hurting the feelings of any sector of society,...
Pope Shenouda’s way of facing the crisis of Al-Nabaa has shown the spirituality of the Coptic church. Facing this storm was fast, wise, calm and objective. The logic in facing the storm has been witnessed by everyone and it has helped all the organizations and communities that made haste to reject...
The Syrian president welcomed Pope Shenouda, the Patriarch of Antioch, the president of the Evangelical Council, the Archbishop of Baalbak and the General Secretary of the Middle East Council of Churches. He praised the patriotic stance of Pope Shenouda.
Legal accountant Mr. Mustafa Abaza explained on March 31, 2001 the differences between the official and informal way of buying property in Egypt. The bishop used the informal way. Bishop Marcos agreed with Abaza’s description but added that in the area of this building there are "no legal...
Cornelis Hulsman called Bishop Marcos on March 28 with additional questions, prepared by Dale Gavlak and him, after they had read through the transcripts of the interviews with the governor and the bishop.
The list below is based on the information obtained from both H.E. Governor Adli Hussein and H.G. Bishop Marcos until April 1, 2001. The list is followed by a number of questions about the information found.


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