Displaying 61 - 70 of 98.
In the midst of the recent sectarian events Egypt’s various political parties were noticeably quiet, with only the Tajammu party issuing a statement regarding the Abu Fana incidents. The article deplores that the political parties were not more active in responding to the events.
Yūsuf Wahīb comments on monks and monasteries in Egypt and discusses monks’ important role in the country since Roman times.
The Abu Fana reconciliation agreement was finally signed last month but the article claims that the governor is already going back on the agreement and is trying to obstruct the building of a wall around the monastery.
The article provides a comprehensive report of the incidents that took place at Abu Fana monastery on May 31 this year. The article discusses the repercussions of the attacks and comments on the widespread anger of Copts in the region.
The growing levels of violence in Egyptian society manifest themselves in various ways. In addition the government seems to be ineffective at making sure that laws are executed. The rising costs of living combined with increasing poverty is also exacerbating the problem.
Drs. Hulsman responds to Jamāl As’ad’s article in which he claimed that the Bishop of Qūssīyah tried and failed to stir up tensions between Muslims and Christians.
The unofficial reconciliation session of the Abu Fana incident is due to take place shortly in Minia, however many believe that the incident is still not resolved.
Drs. Hulsman congratulates Muslims readers on the occasion of Eid, and points to a number of key issues in this issue.
The recent occurrence of a spate of incidents that seem to target Copts has left many wondering how such incidents should be tackled. This article calls for people to view such incidents as attacks on the Egyptian people as a whole and states that the authorities should arrest the perpetrators...
The tensions related to the Monastery of Abu Fana are characterized by unclear and conflicting land registration regulations, manipulation of information and lack of transparency by both responsible government and church authorities.


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