Displaying 51 - 60 of 440.
Ḥanān Muḥammad reports on the opinions of Muslim scholars on the issue of whether Ḥadd al-Riddah should be applied to anyone who leaves Islam.
Maḥmūd al-Imāmī presents the opinions of Muslim scholars about the Islamic view of Christian missionary organizations working in Islamic countries.
The religious establishment in Egypt is composed of four main branches: the Azhar, the Azhar University, the Ministry of Endowments, and the Dar al-Iftā’. They are independent institutions that are loyal to the state.
Assemblies and demonstrations take place after the Friday prayer and worshippers walk out of the mosques into the streets, which is not within the scope of the awqāf [endowments] ministry, said Awqāf Minister Mahmoud Hamdī Zaqzouq in an interview.
Some churches in Western countries send missions to poor Islamic countries in what appears to be a merciful act but they are actually taking advantage of and abusing these societies in order to Christianize them.
The author discusses the issue of books in Egypt spreading the ideal of sedition. He questions why these books are permitted to be published, and stresses the damage that this causes to the principles of citizenship.
Signs of a new crisis between the Coptic Orthodox Church and the Ministry of Culture because of a new book issued by the General Egyptian Book Organization entitled, ’Min Dalā’il ‘Azamah al-Risālah al-Muh...
Rose al-Yūsuf magazine publishes a report about the spread of Zāwiyahs in the streets of Cairo. The weekly magazine reviews a report published by the U.S. Los Angeles Times about Zāwiyahs.
The People’s Assembly Religious Committee rejects the unified call to prayer plan and recommends directing its funds to solve social problems.
The author disagrees with what Kamāl Abu al-Majd said in the newspapers that Islam prohibits using mosques in expressing political views.


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