Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
Researcher Islām Biḥayrī described discussions about reconciliation with the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood as “the crisis of all crises,” from which Egypt and the surrounding region would not recover again. In a long interview with al-Dustūr, Biḥayrī said: the Brotherhood got a proper chance to...
Talking about censorship and freedom of thought, the writer argues that Islām is the religion of freedom as it calls for it before secular communities. It is manifested as the Muslims in the past did not know any inspection courts of nowadays.
The writer, Minister of Endowments, urges dialogue between different religions. He asserts that such dialogues will help in achieving peace and co-existence. He supports his argument with Qur´anic quotations.
The writer gives an explanation on how Islam does acknowledge the existence of different nations, people, tribes and folks. It also considers that all people are equal, no matter how different they are. As a result, various civilizations existed throughout the history of mankind. Islam respects...
The author expressed the opinion that Islam is the sealed religion and the only religion accepted by God. He quoted many Qura’nic verses to prove that all prophets starting from Noah and ending by Jesus Christ had called for Islam.
The Qur’ān is the only revealed divine book that acknowledges religious diversity. In Chapter 2, The Cow, Verse 62, God says: “Lo! those who believe ( in that which is revealed unto you, Muhammad), and those who are Jews, and Christians, and Sabaeans- whoever believes in Allāh and the Last Day and...
Accusing Muslims of rejecting Christianity and Judaism because of their belief in Islam is an absurdity. The Qur’an and the Sunna acknowledges both religions through their belief in Moses and Jesus Christ. It is true that there are some Muslims who are stubborn regarding the acceptance of the other...
The author believes that faith cannot be the product of compulsion. It is unimaginable that any heavenly religion, Judaism, Christianity or Islam, can be founded on compulsion to join it. These three religions accepted and approved the religions that came before them: Judaism tells stories of the...
Shebl says the series of "Awan Al-Ward" led to discussions that Egyptians were in dire need of. Before the disaster of 1967 [in reference to the defeat of the six day war], there were no discussions about the relationship between Muslims and Christians. People were dealing with their companions on...
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