Displaying 21 - 30 of 47.
Background: In an FPA press conference, ʿAlī ʿUthmān Ṭaha, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sudan (1995-1998) elaborates on the achievements of the government since the 1989 coup. He gives an opening statement and then answers to questions related to the country's relations with other countries...
Background:  On the first day of the 1995 United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders in Cairo, a press conference is given which outlines the congress’ objectives, key challenges in the fight against globalising organised crime and the conference’s preparation...
Background:  Witnesses of the 1996 terrorist attack on tourists in a Cairo hotel (killing 17 Greek tourists) report what they have seen and how they evaluate the situation. At a press conference, Egyptian diplomat ʾUsāma al-Bāz addresses his government’s policy toward Sudan and the state of the...
Background: Shaykh Yūsuf al-Badrī says Egyptian society is as any society; the impoverished mixed with the wealthy, those who can read and those who cannot. Egypt is a mixed society, but he thinks that Egypt has many resources such as petrol, land, water and metal to make it rich. The main problem...
Background: The tomb of the sons of Rameses II (KV5) was discovered in February 1994 by Professor Kent R. Weeks, an American Egyptologist in the Valley of the Kings, Luxor. The tomb had been briefly and superficially explored before, but due to all the debris in the tomb, the preceding...
Background: At the ninth United Nations Congress on the prevention of crime and the treatment of offenders, central issues were discussd regarding the spread of organized crime and the dangers posed by its international tendencies. The conference was held in Cairo from 29 April to 8 May 1995. It...
Background: Father Christiaan van Nispen tot Sevenaer (15.3.1938 – 12.5.2016) was a Jesuit priest and had been in Egypt since 1962. Van Nispen had a PhD in Islam which he received in Serbonne, Paris. Besides his PhD, he also studied Philosphy and Islam and had been active in the formation within...
Background:Three different subjects are addressed in the following recording:

ʾUmayya Ṭūqān, a Jordanian economist and later Governor of the Central Bank of Jordan is talking at a press conference about the upcoming second edition of the MENA summit. The summit was initiated by U.S. and Russian...
Background: The first part of the recording is a press conference by Foreign Minister ʿAmru Mūsā, who was speaking in both Arabic and English, during the 1996 Arab Summit which was held in Cairo, Egypt in which he was mainly discussing the Arab relations for cooperation and the peace process in...
Background: Israelis, Palestinians, Egyptians and people of other nationalities in Egypt met in Cairo to negotiate regional peace. Ehud Barak had been elected as Israeli Prime Minister in May 1999 which resulted in renewed peace negotiations. Side A:  An unidentified person speaks at the Cairo...


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