The Interview Documentation Project provides researchers with access to recordings and transcripts of interviews. Some of the documents contain highly sensitive content. For these documents, you need to submit a written request explaining your reason for requesting the documents.
Date of source | Date of review | العنوان | Interviewees |
21 مايو 1996 to 23 مايو 1996 | 22 يونيو 2016 | The Arab Summit of 1996: Press Conference with Foreign Minister ʿAmru Mūsā and interview with Dr. Saʿād al-dīn ʾĪbrāhīm | ʿAmrū Mūsa (Arab League) |
15 مايو 1996 | 22 يونيو 2016 | Majdī Ḥussaīn of Islamist Publication al-Sha‘b on the 1996 publishing of How Muḥammad became Michael | Majdī Aḥmad Ḥussayn (Dr.) |
1 مايو 1996 | 1 أغسطس 2016 | Conference Ibn Khaldūn on Copts rights VI | Mīlād Ḥannā (Dr.), Rifʿat al-Saʿīd (Dr.), Ulfat Makram Najīb (Rev.), Quṭb al-ʿArabī, Mamdūḥ Nakhla, ʿAlāʾ Qāʿūd, ʿĀdil Ḥussayn |
1 مايو 1996 | 1 أغسطس 2016 | Conference Ibn Khaldūn on Copts rights IV | Mīlād Ḥannā (Dr.), Mamdūḥ Nakhla, Muḥammad Munīb, Quṭb al-ʿArabī, Makārī Armāniyyūs Surūr (Dr.), ʿĀdil Ḥussayn |
1 مايو 1996 | 1 أغسطس 2016 | Conference Ibn Khaldūn on Copts rights III | Ḥassan ʿĪssā (Dr.), Saʿīd al-Najjār (Dr.), Ulfat Makram Najīb (Rev.), Wajīh Khayr Iqlādīyyūs |
1 مايو 1996 | 1 أغسطس 2016 | Conference Ibn Khaldūn on Copts rights II | Hudā Zakariyyā (Dr.), Sāmiḥ Fawzī (Dr.) |
1 مايو 1996 | 17 يوليو 2016 | Conference Ibn Khaldūn on Copts rights V | Mīlād Ḥannā (Dr.), Sulayman Shafiq (Researcher), Rifʿat al-Saʿīd (Dr.), ʿĀdil Ḥussayn |
1 مايو 1996 | 14 يوليو 2016 | Conference Ibn Khaldūn on Copts rights I | Ṭalʿat Jād Allāh, Ramzī Zaqlama, Maurice Ṣādiq |
18 أبريل 1996 to 20 أبريل 1996 | 23 يونيو 2016 | Witnesses of the 1996 terrorist attack on Greek tourists / Egyptian-Sudanese relations and the Middle East peace process after Qana massacre | Usāma al-Bāz (Dr.) |
6 أبريل 1996 | 23 يونيو 2016 | Interview with Azhar Shaykh Muḥammad Sayyid Ṭanṭāwī about suicide bombers, Naṣr Ḥāmīd Abū Zayd and freedom of belief | Muḥammad Sayyid Ṭanṭāwī (Shaykh) |
6 أبريل 1996 | 9 يونيو 2016 | Samuel Ḥabīb on Christian-Muslim dialogue | |
28 مارس 1996 | 21 يونيو 2016 | Leading Azhar scholar ʿAbd al-Muʿṭī Bayūmī on enlightenment in Islam | ʿAbd al-Muʿṭī Bayyūmī (Dr.) |
16 مارس 1996 | 20 يونيو 2016 | Interview with Christiaan van Nispen on Shaykhs Jād al-Ḥaq ‘Alī Jād al-Ḥaq and Muḥammad al-Ghazālī | Christiaan van Nispen, S.J. (Father) (Professor of Islam and Philosophy), Muḥammad al-Ghazālī (Shaykh), Khālid Muḥammad Khālid, Jād al-Ḥaq ʿAlī Jād al-Ḥaq [Gad al-Haq Ali Gad al-Haq] (Shaykh) |
13 مارس 1996 | 27 يونيو 2016 | Peacemaker’s Summit Press Conference 1996 | William Jefferson Clinton [Bill Clinton] (President), Muḥammad Ḥusnī Sayyid Mubārak [Muhammad Hosny Mubarak] (President of Egypt 1981 - 2012) |
13 مارس 1996 | 27 يونيو 2016 | Father Samuel on the Terrorist Attack in ʿIzbat al-ʾAqbāṭ | |
1 مارس 1996 | 5 يونيو 2016 | Discussion of the trials of MB members before 1995 parliamentary elections | Majdī Aḥmad Ḥussayn (Dr.) |
11 فبراير 1996 | 26 يونيو 2016 | Press Conference on the Attacks of Israel on South Lebanon and Attacks on Greek tourists in Egypt | Usāma al-Bāz (Dr.), Ruʾūf Mināwī [Rauf Minawi] (General) |
11 فبراير 1996 | 27 يونيو 2016 | Al-Jamāʿah al-Islāmīyyah demanding protection money of Christians in Banī ʿIbid in 1996 | Rafʿat Saʿīd |
5 فبراير 1996 | 6 يونيو 2016 | Coptic Egyptian Lawyer, Maurice Ṣādiq on Confiscation of Coptic Christian films | Maurice Ṣādiq |
25 يناير 1996 | 28 يونيو 2016 | Hans Koolstra after his release in Yemen | Hans Koolstra |
25 يناير 1996 to 2 يونيو 2016 | 20 يوليو 2016 | Shaykh Yūsuf al-Badrī advocates Islamic Economy will better Egyptian Life | Yūsuf al-Badrī (Shaykh) |
24 يناير 1996 | 28 يونيو 2016 | First telephone call with the Koolstra family after they had been released by their kidnappers in Yemen | Hans Koolstra, Berta Koolstra |
24 يناير 1996 to 28 يناير 1996 | 2 يونيو 2016 | Living conditions in Egypt, from two different perspectives | Ṣayyidā, Samīra & Hind: Leiden University students, Majdī Aḥmad Ḥussayn (Dr.) |
4 يناير 1996 | 20 يونيو 2016 | A report of Dutch radio news program Tijdsein on Islam in South-East Asia and Africa | Rītā Ṣawāyyā, Josiah Atkins Idowu-Fearon (Archbishop) |
28 ديسمبر 1995 | 16 مايو 2016 | Disabled children in Egypt: Neglected and Forgotten | Liza van de Linde |
20 ديسمبر 1995 | 25 مايو 2016 | Official MB Spokesperson Maʾmūn al-Huḍaybī on 1995 Parliamentary Elections | Muḥammad Maʾmūn al-Huḍaybī |
11 ديسمبر 1995 | 27 أبريل 2016 | Southern Sudanese Refugee on SPLA abducting women in Southern Sudan | Angelo Andrew |
3 ديسمبر 1995 to 8 ديسمبر 1995 | 10 مايو 2016 | Christian Conference: Rights and Restrictions as a Christian in Africa/Middle-East | |
3 ديسمبر 1995 to 8 ديسمبر 1995 | 26 أبريل 2016 | Conference on Cyprus: Religious persecution and Islamisation in Africa and South-East Asia | Rītā Ṣawāyyā, Josiah Atkins Idowu-Fearon (Archbishop) |
2 ديسمبر 1995 | 22 يونيو 2016 | Wafd Partisans Argue Egypt’s 1995 Parliamentary Elections are Free and Fair |