Displaying 1 - 4 of 4.
‘Amr Bayūmī reports about Pope Shenouda’s opinion concerning the amendment of the second article of the Egyptian Constitution.
A recent statement by the Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammad Mahdī ‘Ākif, in which he said that the Brotherhood was ready to send 10,000 troops to Lebanon, has raised the fears of the Egyptian government about the group’s military expertise and capabilities.
Television program brings together a variety of Arab youths to discuss their opinions on the U.S.
A TV discussion between two Copts, Gamal Asad and Mamdouh Nakhla, nearly turned into a dispute on air. The subject of the discussion was the visit of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom. Nakhla was of the opinion that the Commission’s visit was one with good intentions while Asad...
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