Displaying 1 - 10 of 69.
Official spokesperson for the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Aḥmad Ḥāfiẓ stated that Egypt rejects any unilateral efforts by Ethiopia to resume filling the Renaissance Dam during flooding season this summer. 
The Egyptian people and government’s solidarity with the Palestinians is much more pronounced and powerful than it was in previous Israeli assaults on Palestinians.
Today, the United States recognized the Armenian genocide committed by the Turks.  However, al-Azhar condemned the vicious crimes against the Armenians a hundred years ago in a fatwa, showcasing the moral role and social responsibility that al-Azhar had at the time. 
During the last weeks of March, we witnessed a new development in the attempted thawing of relations between Egypt and Turkey.  Ayman Nour [Ayman Nūr], head of “al-Sharq” television network, announced that he had met with representatives of the Turkish government to discuss “toning down” criticism...
Egyptian President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī’s responses during a phone call with ʿAmrū Adīb Saturday night on MBC Egypt [MBC Miṣr] have led to predictions about a possible resolution to the issue of political prisoners soon.
‘Aṭā Allāh Ḥannā, the Archbishop of Sebastia from the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, called on the new American president, Joe Biden, to annul all unjust decisions related to the Palestinian cause, especially the issue of moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, and other biased decisions...
Hours after Washington classified the “Ḥasm” Movement in Egypt and the “Wilāyat Sīnāʾ” Organization, which is affiliated with ISIS, as foreign terrorist organizations, the American State Department announced placing Egyptians Yaḥyā al-Sayyid Ibrāhīm Mūsā and ʿAlāʾ ʿAlī Muḥammad al-Samāḥī on the...
On August 14, 2013, the Egyptian government broke up the Rābiʿa and al-Nahḍa sit-ins after roughly six weeks since deposing the Muslim Brotherhood from power.  Afterwards, several of those participating in the sit-ins fled to Turkey. 
Amidst the Arab world’s intense media coverage of the storming of the US Capitol Building, some are seeing a campaign in celebration of the United States’ pain and misfortune, trying to prove something.  What’s the goal behind this? 
Commenting on the storming of the US Capitol Building, several human rights activists stressed that the recent American presidential elections have once again exposed the shortcomings inside the United States’ democratic system and its usage of human rights domestically and internationally for...


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