Displaying 1 - 10 of 33.
Member of the House of Representatives’ Foreign Relations Committee, M.P. Rawān Lāshīn, has stated that the new Personal Status Law will serve the interests of the family as well as preserve the rights and well-being of children. She revealed that the new law, which is being submitted for final...
The electoral alliance announced by Hāzim Salāh Abū Ismā’īl includes al-Ansār Party, al-‘Ummah, al-Sha’b, and al-Nūr al-Jadīd. He will announce the partners of his new alliance and the name of his new political party within hours. This alliance is considered the largest Salafī alliance .
Dr. Yūnis Makhyūn, the representative of the Salafī al-Nūr (Light) Party in the constituent assembly drafting a new constitution for Egypt, said the party would adamantly stick to the rulings of the sharī’ah in the article on equality between men and women. [Muhammad Gharīb, al-Misrī al-Yawm, Oct...
The constituent assembly writing a new constitution for Egypt is facing collapse from within as less 48 hour after civil parties and movements suspended their activities the representatives of the three churches announced on Friday (November 16) withdrawal in protest over certain articles in the...
Salafī leaders had contacts with the presidency in an attempt to dissuade President Muhammad Mursī from his decision to attend the enthronement ceremony of Pope Tawadrus II on November 18 on the grounds that the event is purely religious and “against the Muslim faith," sources revealed. [Mahmūd...
Haggling renewed over Article II of the constitution on Saturday (September 22)
The constituent assembly drafting a new constitution for Egypt saw heated debates between former Muftī of the Republic Dr. Nasr Farīd Wāsil and the panel’s spokesman Dr. Wahīd ‘Abd al-Majīd over the latter’s objection in the drafting committee against the new article to have the Azhar as the final...
The Rights and Liberties Sub-Committee of the Constituent Assembly added a paragraph toArticle 64fortheparticipationofcitizensinpubliclife, banning the use ofplacesofworshipforpoliticalpurposesandelectoral advertisements (Muhammad ‘Abdul Qādir and Muhammad Gharīb, al-Masrī al-Yāwm, Oct. 2). Read...
Counselor ‘Umār Marwān, a spokesman for the Fact-finding Commission on the violence that took place since June 30 stated that the Commission has decided to send a report to the government about its visit to Luxor and Aswan and Sohag. He added that the commission has discovered in the visit that the...
Objections by the constituent assembly's drafting committee over certain articles postponed debates on the article pertaining to the freedom of belief, namely the confinement of practicing religious rituals to only the three divine religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. [Muhammad Gharīb, al-...


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