Displaying 1 - 10 of 10.
Reviewer: Nuhayr ‘Ismat Muhammad Zuhdī writes about Hadd al-Riddah in Islam.
The author describes the Qur’ān’s stance on interfaith friendships in times of war and peace.
The article discusses the concept of Ahl al-Kitāb paying the jizyah, and the justifications behind it.
Muhammad Zuhdī discusses the meaning of jihād according to the Qur’ān.
The author shows that the Qur’ān was a heavenly revelation to people as it is too difficult to imitate.
Discussions on the Islamic-Christian dialogue between Tunisian and French activists.
An American Muslim criticized the Islamic traditions and behaviors in Western societies.
The article reviews a book highlighting the Arab’s reaction following the cancellation of the Islamic Khalīfah by Ataturk.
The author reviews three books on Islamic studies.
Muhammad Zuhdī presents an overview of three books that deal with heated Islamic topics, such as the causes of the revelation of Qur’ānic verses, the extent of religious freedom in Islām and the necessity of renewing Islamic discourse.
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