Displaying 11 - 20 of 36.
Islamophobia is on the rise around the world. The phenomenon basically means an exaggerated or irrational fear of Islam and if this fear continues it could have long-term consequences and implications. This paper attempts to develop a negotiating strategy to manage the Islamophobic discourse.
Dr. Hassan Wagieh from the Azhar University stresses that Sūrah 2:256 is not abrogated or canceled by other verses.
The author discusses the importance of language, particularly as it relates to the mis-communication that can often happen when languages are being translated due to cultural differences that may not necessarily hold true across cultures and languages.
Dr. Hasan Muhammad Wajīh writes about suggested solutions to educational problems in Egypt.
The author denounces the angry irrational reaction to key international terrorism incidents as destructive acts that kill dialogue.
Text presented to the Dutch delegation consisting of representatives of Dutch churches and Muslim organizations at the Egyptian Press Syndicate.
Dr. Wageih comments on Geert Wilders inaccurate interpretation of Qur’ānic verses in his film ’Fitna.’
The author presents an article on the steps necessary to overcome a natural disaster were it to occur in Egypt of the Arab world. He stresses that unless these preemptive steps are taken, diplomacy and development in the region could stagnate.
The author urges Egypt to accelerate efforts in order to escape the chaos of extremism which is happening in other Arab countries, and describes the main features of the extremist mentality.
The author talks about the relation between secularism and the religious authority.


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