Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
The annual iftār banquet held by Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III was different this year as there was another iftār thrown by Prime Minister, Ahmad Nazīf. Surprisingly, some ministers, led by Ahmad al-Maghrabī, minister of housing, did not go to the prime minister’s banquet. The author believes...
Hanafī criticizes the attitude of extremist shaykhs and their calling anyone with a different opinion an infidel and apostate who should be killed. He also criticized religious satellite channels and says that Coptic channels portray Muslims as terrorists because a lot of Coptic youth convert to...
Al-Fajr writes about fake companies buying land in Egypt.
The writer urges the readers to not believe the leaders of al-Jamā‘ah al-Islāmīyah’s announcement of their pledge to cease the practice of violence until they dissolve al-Jamā‘ah itself.
The article investigates the connections and ties between young Muslim dā‘īya ‘Amr Khālid and a Jewish American journalist called Samantha M. Shapiro, who is known for her pro-Israel stance and fanaticism against the Palestinians, according to the author.
Cassette tapes urging jihād, bloodshed and relentlessness have been flooding the Egyptian market lately. They are produced in Saudi Arabia and exported to us via Egyptians coming home from hajj or cumra [lesser pilgrimage]. The objective pursued by these tapes was to give the impression that “we...
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