Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
The head of the Nūr Party, Yūnis Makhyūn, has cast a ‘yes’ vote on the constitutional referendum. He stated afterwards that that this is to protect sharī’ah, for the sake of stability and to prevent the division of the homeland (Salāh Laban, et al., al-Tahrīr, Jan. 15, p. 11). Read original text in...
Dr. Ahmad Rasīm al-Nafis, the Shī’ite thinker and researcher, stated that this farce that the shaykhs of the Salafī Call are doing must be stopped. He stated that there is no one that has the right to stop them from practicing their religious rituals (Salāh Laban, al-Tahrīr, Nov. 15, p. 5). Read...
Shaykh Yāsir Burhāmī, Vice President of Salafī Call spoke to al-Tahrīr about the visit to Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyīb, Grand Shaykh of the Azhar from al-Nūr Party. Their main goal of visiting the Azhar was to confirm the cooperation between Salafī Call, al-Nūr Party and the Azhar which has power to repair...
Before the service, hundreds of Christians were protesting in the street, chanting slogans against the Muslim Brotherhood. It seems as though unknown assailants attacked the protestors, firing birdshot and throwing Molotov cocktails at the mourners and the cathedral grounds. Some protestors...
Shaykh Yāsir Burhāmī, Vice President of Salafī Call said that only Sunnīs know the legitimate interpretation of Sharī'ah law, and the Shī'ah are not Muslims and that they pose more danger to Islam than infidels. He disapproves of Shī'ahs coming into Egypt and highlights a leak in national security...
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