Displaying 21 - 30 of 127.
Israelis believe that the Egypt’s reaction to the implementation of the plan to annex areas in the West Bank and impose Israeli sovereignty over them would be “restrained,” based on past events targeting Palestinians like the Intifadas, wars in the Gaza Strip, and the Trump administration’s...
This evening, President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī participated in a mini-summit via video conferencing with African leaders, French President Emmanuel Macron, and the director of the World Health Organization. 
The voice of Lebanese singer Fayrūz [Fairouz] has borne the capacity to respond to people’s pain in their wars and suffering.  However, in a video clip she posted to her YouTube channel on Friday, she chose to raise her voice in prayer by reading out loud from the Bible.   
The Israeli Health Minister Yaakov Litzman said that he is praying that the messiah will come shortly before Passover, the symbol of deliverance, to save Israelis from the Coronavirus.  Litzman, who is affiliated with the United Torah Judaism Party, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish Party associated with...
There is an ancient inclination going back to the humanity’s origin to explain natural disasters as the wrath of God or “a divine being.”  This inclination goes back to humanity’s instinctual need to be connected to the force of nature that has control over disasters and surpasses humanity’s...
While inspecting equipment to be used in the fight against the Coronavirus, President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī said “We must not pay attention to rumors,” warning that biased rumors are trying to hurt Egypt’s security and the peace of its people.” 
Newspaper writer Amīra Bahīy al-Dīn emphasized that rumors that the Muslim Brotherhood is spreading about Egypt come with instructions and orders from foreign apparatuses like Qatar and Turkey, explaining that the Muslim Brotherhood’s goal from telling rumors related to the Coronavirus is to create...
None of those calling for renewal and modernization would have ever dreamed of a day when Friday prayer would be suspended as has happened in a number of Arab and Islamic countries.  It had been announced from Kuwait to Syria that all group prayer would be suspended and that mosques would only do...
Dr. Munīr Ḥannā, bishop of the Episcopal Church for the Alexandria region, condemned the Zionist, terrorist attempt to burn down the Church of All Nations [Church of Gethsemane] in Jerusalem. 
The Catholic Church in Egypt announced that it has taken new measures to fight the Coronavirus for daily liturgy and Christmas masses that will be celebrated on December 24th and 25th. 


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