Displaying 291 - 296 of 296.
Author: Mahmoud Salah The media frenzy has been sparked by an article written in the Sunday Telegraph by Ms. Christina Lamb. And although Cairo hosts more than 600 foreign correspondents, none of them wrote a word in this respect. Several foreign correspondents and others are mentioned including Mr...
The ’Persecution Show’ in Al-Kushh is a new series in the many series being played against Egypt by its enemies for what came of events last August 15 in Al-Kushh did not deserve more than a 10-sentence news item in a local newspaper in its accident pages, even if this paper were a ’yellow journal...
Also Sidhom writes about how the story of el-Koshh escalated.
Minister of Interior Habib el-Adly called for the upgrade the performance of policemen in order to avoid the recurrence of terrorist waves and an international conference on means of fighting terrorism.
Extremists announced that they had to intensify their campaign on the Internet to refute insulting allegations propagandized by foreigners and Coptic extremists.
Decree no. 5755/2009 is issued, stipulating that the name of the village of Deir Abu-Hinnis will remain unchanged.


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