Displaying 11 - 20 of 39.
'Awād Fathī Khalaf, founder of Nubian Brotherhood Group in Nasr Township of al-Nūbah in Aswan Governorate, said that the goal from establishing the group is to unify Nubian demands and escalate it to President Muhammad Mursī. "We as a group welcome all sects to join including people from Upper...
Moussa Al-Dalah, speaker on behalf of seven bedouin convicts sentenced to life by the Criminal Court of North Sinai for violence against local security forces, claimed the bedouins’ intention to carry out revenge on the security leaders in North Sinai. One of the convicts threatened to...
Dr. Yahyá al-Jamal talks about his experience in the US.
Watani interviewed Muhammad Zarie a human rights activist who is the head of the Arab Penal Reform organization.
Dr. Ahmad Sokarno writes about the Nubian issue and the campaign organized by Rose al-Yūsuf.
Watani International interviewed the human rights activist ‘Alī al-Samman who founded the ’Committee of 15’ following the sectarian events that took place in Alexandria in 2005
The Egyptian culture minister has called for accepting all religions; not just the three Abrahamic ones. The statement is a controversial one has divided opinions amongst religious scholars in Egypt.
The article presents a Mark Steyn article published in an American weekly magazine National Review which rejects the Evangelization of moderate Muslims in the West because it can deprive Islam of moderate leaders who can carry out reformation in Islam.
The article discusses the author’s view of how Egypt will change over the coming years, and how these changes will affect the minorities in the political and social spheres.


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