Displaying 61 - 64 of 64.
Nasr Abu Zaid didn’t feel vengeance despite the fact that Abd el-Sabour Shahin apostatized him from the pulpit of a mosque. He defends Shahin’s freedom of thought." He who asks a person to repent is the one who should repent because he places himself in the position of God and the prophet." Abu...
The General Guide of the Ikhwan Al-Muslimun (Muslim Brotherhood) did not answer the questions of Dr. Sai’d Al-Nagar, head of the liberal ’New Call Society’, the [human rights]lawyer Maurice Sadek, and Hazem Al-Kilani, from a splinter group of the brotherhood and one of the founders of Al-Wasat (...
The writer replies to what he views as attacks on Islamists writers who confront communist and secular writers. The current case being that of Dr. Bayoumi’s defense of Dr. Hassan Hanafi.
Montasir continues his critique of the French teacher who assigned Rodinson’s book for students at AUC.


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