Displaying 11 - 20 of 37.
A Muslim convert reports on converts’ conditions in Egypt and Father ‘Abd al-Masīh Basīt of the Coptic Orthodox Church reports on the church’s stance.
Christian converts to Islam who re-embraced Christianity and were given the right to change their religion on official papers back to Christianity are complaining on a daily basis that the Ministry of Interior does not approve the court ruling, allegedly because of the involvement of some...
Members of Michael Munīr’s fan group on facebook call on U.S. Copts to work for giving Bahā’īs, Shī‘ah, and converts to Christianity more freedom of creed in Egypt.
Robeir al-Faris reviews different articles in the Egyptian press this month related to Muslim-Christian relations. In particular he mentions a new joint Muslim-Christian Web site and an article that cites the al-Ahrām obituary page to prove that Copts are not being persecuted.
Ranā Mamdūh reports that the Administrative Judicial Court, headed by Counselor Muhammad al-Husaynī, the deputy head of the State Council, decided to adjourn the judgment in 12 lawsuits filed by Christian converts to Islam.
Spokesman of the Catholic Church in Egypt, Father Rfīq Grech responded to the accusations of bribing Sudanese to convert to Christianity and explained that the Catholic Church offers aids on humanitarian bases regardless of people’s’ belonging, alluding to the numerous social services the Catholic...
The author comments on two recent court rulings concerning freedom of belief. One concerns Christians who converted to Islam and then back to Christianity and the other gives Bahā’īs the right to leave the religion box empty on ID cards.
In the article the author comments on what he sees as the changes in Egyptian society in recent decades.
Ḥasan ‘Allām interviews Dr. Maḥmūd Ḥamdī Zaqzūq, Egyptian minister of religious endowments, who speaks about important issues of concern to Muslims.
While Poet Aḥmad al-Shahāwī intends to file a claim against the Shaykh of the Azhar, reliable sources at the Islamic Research Academy assert that the Azhar withdrew al-Shahāwī’s book but did not deem the poet Kāfir.


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