In Egypt, ideas of a radical Islamist make comeback

Date of source:
3 Dec 2013
Students belonging to the opposition Muslim Brotherhood stand in a line in front of riot police during a protest against a military court's ruling in front of Cairo University.

Young Egyptian Islamists seeking a way to confront the military-led state are turning to the ideas of a radical ideologue who waged the same struggle half a century ago and later became a source of inspiration for al Qaeda.

The revolutionary ideas of Sayyid Qutb, a Muslim Brotherhood leader executed in 1966, are spreading among Islamists who see themselves in an all-out struggle with generals who deposed President Mohamed Mursi in July.

Their radical conclusions underline the risks facing a nation more divided than ever in its modern history: after Mursi's downfall, the state killed hundreds of Islamists, and attacks on the security forces have become commonplace.

(Author not mentioned, Reuters, Dec. 3, 2013) Read Original