Displaying 1 - 10 of 330.
Mr. Bas Belder was between 1999 and 2019 one of the very few members in the European Parliament showing an active interest in the position of Christians in the Middle East. He is to be complimented for his genuine interest in Christians in the Middle East but the sources he used in his paper for...
A joint lecture on “developing religious awareness” was held in the Cairo University main hall. The speakers included the editor-in-chief of the al-Wafd newspaper, Wajdī Zayn al-Dīn; the university president, Muḥammad al-Khusht; and the former chairman of religious affairs at the Ministry of Awqāf...
Queen Rānyā of Jordan accused Western leaders of having a ‘glaring double standard’, which is apparent in their failure to condemn the killing of Palestinian civilians who are victims of Israeli shelling in Gaza.
The world’s top Sunni Muslim institution, al-Azhar, called on Arab and Islamic governments to unite and stand firm against the “Western support for Zionists and their violation of the rights of innocent Palestinian civilians.” It also demanded an international investigation into “Israel's war ...
Veteran journalist Muʾnis al-Zuhayrī took to social media to express his anger, writing, “You have insulted the idea, the value, the content, and Jamāl ͑Abd al-Nāṣir, who established the radio station in 1964. Stop the ads in the Holy Qurʾān Broadcast.” He was referring to the state of the Holy...
A legislator said more efforts need to be exerted to maintain the Egyptian identity and confront the spread of the Salafī ideology that undermines the Egyptian character, calling for the better use of opportunities through Egyptian TV channels to accomplish this.
Egyptian Prosecutor General Ḥamāda al-Ṣāwī ordered to investigate the circulating posts on social media sites by a Tik Tok user, known as the “Egyptian Prince” (al-Prince al-Miṣrī), after he posted videos promoting contempt of the Christian religion. The accused is set to be arrested and questioned...
In his video, the Azhari shaykh Mabrūk ʿAṭiya mocked Christ saying he is not a ‘sayyid’ (venerated leader) as people refer to him. The video was a response to journalist and TV host Ibrāhīm ʿĪsā dating back to 2016 but was re-posted recently about the values in Jesus Christ’s ‘Sermon on the Mount.’
The core argument of Coptic Solidarity for accusing him to be an “Agent' of al-Sīsī Government in the US” is that Rev. Dr. Andrea Zakī registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) prior to his last visit to the USA. They believe this is sufficient evidence for their claims. It seems...
This article provides an overview of the views of Rev. Dr. Andrea Zakī, Coptic Evangelical (Presbyterian) pastor and head of the Protestant Churches of Egypt, based on Arab media reporting as selected and summarized throughout the years by Arab-West Report/Dialogue Across Borders in response to...


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