Displaying 91 - 100 of 149.
Text of lecture about a declining Christianity in the Middle East. Dalrymple compares between his travels in the mid nineties to when he collected material for his book ‘From the Holy Mountain: A Journey among the Christians of the Middle East,’ and recently travelled to the areas he had visited...
British author William Dalrymple showing rapid decline of Christianity in the Middle East. Episcopal Bishop Munīr Hanna Anis explaining the consequences of rumors in Muslim-Christian relations.
The author compliments the article above and sees this as an encouragement to use new information technology for Coptic activists living outside Egypt.
Dr. Rodolph Yanny, editor-in-chief of the US-based Coptic Church Review, reviews "Among the Copts" of Father Dr. John Watson, Anglican scholar and member of the Board of Advisors of the RNSAW. Dr. Yanney calls the book "a comprehensive presentation of the life and thought of the Coptic Orthodox...
Western and Arab Muslim philosophers discuss reason and its relation to revelation, to show that Islām is rational and follows logical thinking.
Coptic Orthodox Church member and businessman Kamāl Zākhir Mūsá speaks out about internal problems in the Egyptian Coptic Orthodox Church.
Views of Muslim scholars differ over whether to accept the so-called "apology" of Pope Benedict for the remarks he made about Islam a few weeks ago. Nearly 38 Muslim scholars and leaders sent a letter to the pope to indicate their appreciation of the pope’s expression of regret and his affirmation...
This article investigates the legitimacy of Max Michel’s church, the Holy Synod for the American Diaspora of True Orthodox Christians.
From the crusades until now, religion has always been taken as an excuse to wage war. The pope’s recent attitude reveals his political orientation.
The statements of the pope about Islam confirm “many often heard prejudices about Islam” says Prof. Wagīh, who is a member of the Higher Islamic Council of Egypt.


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