Displaying 51 - 60 of 2819.
In their third collaboration, L’Harmattan will publish a new book on the Muslim Brotherhood by Egyptian author ʿAbd al-Raḥīm ʿAlī in 2023.
Dr. Yāsmīn Fuʾād, Minister of Environment, confirmed that Al-Azhar was at the forefront of the institutions that showed support for Egypt’s hosting of the upcoming COP27 climate conference, and contributed with constructive ideas and visions, praising the Sheikh of Al-Azhar’s speech on climate in...
I think that not even an obstinate person can deny that the June 30 revolution has provided the citizen with many citizenship rights. Since the first day of President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī’s term in office, all his orientations have been in favor of supporting all elements of restoring the quality...
Paid text of Coptic Solidarity (USA) in Christian Newswire alleging that Egyptian Christian leader Rev. Dr. Andrea Zakī is an ‘agent’ of President al-Sīsī. I have been a subscriber to Christian Newswire for many years now and was shocked to see such an attack on an Egyptian Christian leader by a...
Dr. Muḥammad Mukhtār Jumʿa, Minister of Awqāf, congratulated Shaykh Jābir Ṭāyiʿ Yūsif Sulṭān, former head of the religious sector at the Ministry of Awqāf, on obtaining a PhD from the Faculty of Arts, Minūfiya University, for a thesis entitled, “Egypt’s Ministry of Awqāf Efforts in spreading...
The past few months witnessed two noticeable attacks in the media on Imam Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib, Shaykh of al-Azhar. Last February, al-Ṭayyib was harshly criticized after old statements of his were discussed again and interpreted to permit “wife beating”. On that day, Dār al-Iftāʾ tweeted, via its...
Q: Do you know any case of a Sudanese refugee student going to a private primary or public secondary school in Egypt? A: Yes, I know many of them. They are mostly South Sudanese. When they arrive here many apply to attend private Egyptian schools. I have a little girl in my house going to a private...
Prof. Dr. Hudā Ghagab ʿAwaḍ, is processor of political science at Misr International University, is secretary-general of the Centre for Arab-West Understanding since May 23, 2012, board member of CEOSS and is an active member of the Egyptian Council for Human Rights. Dr. Hudā met on May 10, 2022,...
Russian state media makes all effort to justify the policies of Putin and hence employs propaganda. Where Ukraine and Western nations call this a war Russian media speak of an “operation.” In my previous article I wrote that Putin declared  an operation on Ukraine on February 24, 2022, two days...
Throughout history, Russia and Ukraine have been allies and foes. No doubt they had indissociable bonds. In this article of former CAWU intern Valeria Bez we will see how the two nations evolved, what sort of relations shaped between them, and what the ethnic issue has to do with the war of 2022...


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