Displaying 241 - 249 of 249.
Do foreign monks living in Egypt suffer persecution from people or from the government? Al-Wafd entered their world to get their opinions about what is happening.
Al-Wafd paper spent 15 hours in Al-Kushh village accompanied by Bishop Wissa. In an interview with the bishop, he answered a number of inquiries about the village’s events.
Egypt’s information minister has sent a comment to Britain’s "Sunday Telegraph" over allegations carried in the October 25 edition of the paper, reported the Middle East News Agency (MENA) yesterday. The paper published a full-page feature claiming systematic religious persecution and mass torture...
Last Thursday Abdallah Abdel-Rahman, son of sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, was arrested and detained for 48 hours.
Iran has disarmed against its number one public enemy Salman Rushdie who was hunted by the Fatwa (Islamic religious decree) declared by the late Ayatollah Khomeni, and issued more than nine years ago.
The recent agreement between Britain and Iran revokes the ’Fatwa’(Islamic Decree) asking for the blood of Salman Rushdie who was denounced as an apostate by the late Ayatollah Khomeni.
Security officials in Cairo believe the British bill [legislation] may help break up terrorist networks targeting Egypt and other Arab countries. "It is a real positive step towards fighting terrorism worldwide," an interior ministry official said. "For years Britain has turned a blind eye to the...
Dr. Christian van Nispen criticized the ban of the Minister of Education to teach the book of Maxime Rodinson’s book Muhammad at the American University in Cairo after Salah Montassir criticized it in Al-Ahram of May 13, 1998. Salah Montassir believed the book constituted an attack on Islam but van...
A Christian woman’s story of converting to Islam.


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