Displaying 1 - 10 of 1765.
Former French-Moroccan CAWU intern Dina Bouchkouch spoke with students at the webinar of June 22-24, 2020, about her personal experiences with interfaith/intercultural dialogue and why CAWU has been so important to her own personal development. This text was recorded and edited by the different...
An interview/lecture from Richard Gauvain regarding the impact of Salafism in Egypt.
[The text was written as a chapter for Freedom of Belief and Christian Mission, Edited by Hans Aage Gravaas, Christof Sauer, Tormod Engelsviken, Maqsood Kamil and Knud Jørgensen. Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series, Vol.
I - Jordan: Jordan has a unique experience when it comes to interfaith dialogue. This has to do with history and components of the Jordanian people. Christians in Jordan consider themselves to be Arab Bedouins, descendants of the Ghassanids. They were never considered as foreigners, Crusaders or...
Our students met on-line with Dr. Renee Hattar, since October 2016 the head of International Studies at the Royal Institute for Interfaith Studies in Jordan, founded in 1994 by HRH Prince el-Hassan bin-Talal of Jordan.  RIIFS describes itself as “a non-profit, non-governmental organization that...
About the demographic structure of Jordan
After a full examination of the body at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Tel Aviv (Abū Kabīr), the Hebrew newspaper, Ynet, announced that the Israeli occupation authorities have taken the body of Yaḥyā al-Sinwār to a classified location to keep.
Representative Nadīm Gemayel stated, “Ḥezbollah’s profanation of pre-emptive wars has proven to be a failure, as seen in the war in Syria, and the repercussions of crises, displacement, and crimes in Lebanon.”      
On Saturday, September 28th, the Islamic Resistance Movement, or Ḥamās, lamented the loss of Ḥasan Naṣrallah, Secretary-General of Ḥizbullah, whom Ḥizbullah confirmed to be murdered in an Israeli attack.
  Xavier Abū ʿĪd, Rooted in Palestine: Palestinian Christians and the Struggle for National Liberation 1917-2004 (Beit Jālā: Dār al-Kalima University Press,  2022) Reviewed by Noha Heraiba, Database Editor for Dialogue Across Borders  Publication Date: October 5, 2024 Rooted in Palestine:...


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