Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II will pray at Maundy Thursday Mass at the Coptic Orthodox Church of Saint Mina tomorrow (May 2, 2013) and at Saint Mark Cathedral in al-'Abbāsīyyah on Good Friday (Majdī Fikrī, al-Dustūr, May 1, p. 3). Read original text in Arabic.
Cornelis Hulsman commemorates the life of Metropolitan Marcos, an unconventional Dutch member of the Coptic Orthodox Church who served as a bishop for 34 years.
Drs. Hulsman’s report discusses the state of past and present relations between Muslims and Christians in Egypt. The paper opens by giving information about Pope Shenouda III and the most important incidents that have taken place during his reign. The second half of the paper then looks at specific...
A conflict arose between the priest of Marina Church and the governor of the Marsá Matrūḥ governorate when the governorate sold a piece of land that belonged to the church to two other institutions. The church complained to the president of the state and the head of the president’s cabinet...
‘Amr Khālid has had a remarkable march to fame as a dā‘iya.
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