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A Coptic Orthodox Church is discovered on Rodos Island in Greece, and raises a number of questions regarding its authenticity.
Dr. Mājid Subhī discovered a Coptic Orthodox Church on Rodos Island in Greece that was established by an Egyptian archpriest named Girgis Hakīm in the 16th century. However, the church was defaced and no remains could be found at the present time.
A Coptic husband has accused, in a police report, an Evangelical pastor of having a secret relationship with his wife.
An encyclopedia entitled “Encyclopedia of Egypt’s Copts” claims that over 50 Christian girls have been kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam in Egypt.
Unknown men have attacked many unveiled women by throwing sulfuric acid on either their faces, chests or legs, as a punishment for not wearing the veil. Such incidents coincide with another phenomenon; in the women-only carriages of the underground, women wearing niqab preach the necessity of...
The biggest Coptic church in the world will be built in New York on a surface area of more than ten feddans and will cost $70 million. An Egyptian Coptic engineer and an American engineering office won the international competition that was held to design the church.
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