Displaying 1051 - 1060 of 1109.
An interview with the Minister of Interior about the security situation; releasing fundamentalist detainees, fighting terrorism, the minister’s refusal to meet with the Muslims Brothers, the branch of the F. B. I. in Cairo, Egypt’s attitude to Britain’s refusal to extradite terrorists.
We have become ’the kings of talk’. We just react by talking. The Arab governments are reacting only by more talk and condemnation.
In the last issue of the debate aired by the Qatari Al-Jezira channel between Maurice Sadek, President of the Center for Human rights and National Unity, and Mustafa Bakri, editor-in-chief of Al-Osboa newspaper, Sadek had said that the Egyptian government is a racist government and should be...
The year 1998 has passed with no terrorist acts unlike the many years passed leaving sad memories of terrorism. Security specialists agreed the wise policy of the new Minster of Interior, Major General Habib Al-Adly, is the reason.
Did the Islamist project fail or does it continue to form a government in waiting? Interview with the Tunisian sheikh Rashed Al-Ghenoushi (57) who lives in exile in London.
A TV station from Qatar organized a live debate on the American Freedom of Religious Persecution Law and el-Koshh between Mustafa Bakri, editor in chief of Al-Osboa newspaper, and Maurice Sadek, president of the Center for Human Rights and National Unity. Sadek, who defended the recently accepted...
The opinions of the late Sheikh Mitwali Al-Sha’arawi and Father Matta Al-Meskin summarize to a large extent the features of the personality of Pope Shenouda.
The column of the prominent Wafd-member Zaklamah mentioned this time the great achievements in the early days of the Wafd party in the 1920s when Egyptians were united in their struggle against the British Occupation.
The article reviews a book of Philip Lewis ’Islamic Britain: Religion, Politics and Identity among British Muslims.’ The author says this book attempts to correct the wrong picture of Muslims in the British media.
The American Zionists conspiracies in the last two decades wanted to mislead the Copts. To weaken their traditional relations with Muslims they have used disloyal Coptic Organizations that work from abroad and co-operate with some Westernized people in Egypt.


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