Displaying 71 - 80 of 7735.
The world’s top Sunni Muslim institution, al-Azhar, called on Arab and Islamic governments to unite and stand firm against the “Western support for Zionists and their violation of the rights of innocent Palestinian civilians.” It also demanded an international investigation into “Israel's war ...
Al-Azhar said it is offering condolences to a “silent world” over the victims of Palestine. It hailed the bravery of the Palestinian people and prayed for God to grant them determination in the face of “Zionist tyranny and the shameful silence of the international community.”
Al-Azhar hailed the “great people of Palestine and the Arab and Muslim nation, who won the honor of the shahāda (martyrdom) as steadfast defenders of their homeland and their cause — the Palestinian issue — to which they, we, and each and every human of integrity all over the world are devoted.”
Bāqī Zakī Yūsuf, one of the most renowned major generals in the October 1973 war, was the mastermind behind opening loopholes within the earthen embankment known as the Bar Lev Line with the use of water pressure.
Egypt has experienced security and stability during the past ten years, and the Copts of Egypt have experienced this first-hand as they have lived through a period of consolidation of rules of citizenship with the power of the law.  
Pope Tawāḍrūs of the Coptic Orthodox Church said that participation in the forthcoming presidential election is a “strong and important patriotic act for all Egyptians,” adding that “The Holy Book taught us that ‘The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore, we his servants will arise and build...
On Sunday (October 1), Pope Tawāḍrūs II of the Coptic Orthodox Church received Ambassador Nadā Darrāz, Egypt’s new consul in Chicago, and Ambassador Ḥosām al-Dīn ʿAlī, Egypt's new consul in Los Angeles, at the Papal Residence.  
A decision to set up a new college teaching the Ḥanbalī fiqh (jurisprudence) at the World Islamic Sciences & Education University (W.I.S.E) in Jordan has raised many questions. While some view it as a plan to empty the Ḥanbalī fiqh from its content and make a new Salafism that is more appealing...
Pope Tawāḍrūs II of the Coptic Orthodox Church expressed solidarity with and prayers for Morocco and Libya, where devastating natural disasters have left people killed or wounded. He praised Egypt’s stance, which was supportive of “the brothers in this predicament.”
A member of the House of Representatives said that the Grand Imām of al-Azhar, Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyīb, has shed light on the Palestinian issue for the world to confront and address, describing the top Sunni cleric’s speech in a conference in Germany as “historic and important.”


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