Displaying 91 - 100 of 123.
This review discusses political responses to Fārūq Husnī’s controversial statements on the Ḥijāb.
The review deals with Minister of Culture Fārūq Husnī’s latest remarks in which he termed the H...
A critique of a number of articles published on the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group’s website, deeming individuals or institutions to be kāfir.
Shaykh Yūsuf al- Badrī filed a lawsuit against Dr Su‘ād Sālih, accusing her of insulting the wives of the Prophet Muhammad, after she announced her rejection of the Niqāb.
The niqāb is stirring controversy in different parts of the World. An Egyptian university professor is to be sued for criticizing it; the Egyptian muftī advises that women don’t wear it and students wearing it will be barred from accessing a university hostel. In Western countries it is regarded as...
The review takes up the issue of the niqāb as Jack Straw, Leader of the House of Commons, called on Muslim women in Britain to take off their veils in workplaces, while in Egypt, the President of Hilwān University made a decision to prohibit all niqāb-wearing students from entering the...
A supplement published by the mouthpiece of the Ghad Party, al-Ghad newspaper, entitled "The worst 10 figure in Islamic history," has provoked strong public reaction and led Islamic lawyer, Mamdūh Ismā‘īl, to sue the newspaper. The list of names included some of the prophet’s companions and ‘...
Many religious pages, especially in national newspapers, suffer from repetition and boredom which has led to an absence of creativity. They have become mere clichés that rarely present something new to the contemporary man.
This article discusses the manipulation of religious issues by some newspapers in order to increase their sales.
The review deals with varied opinions about Pope Benedict XVI’s remarks considered offensive in Muslim and Arab countries amidst calls to expel the papal nuncio in Egypt and put the interfaith dialogue with the Vatican on the back burner.


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