Displaying 1 - 8 of 8.
The Ecclesiastical Reform Group holds its third conference on citizenship.
Dr. Mamdūh Halīm writes about the history of the Sectarian Council in the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt.
The Coptic Group for Church Reform is the signature that recently appeared in an announcement distributed in churches and on Web sites. The real identity of the group is as of yet unknown, providing an opportunity for rumors to spread. All the group pamphlets are opposed to Bishop Bīshūy.
A group known as The Coptic Group for Church Reformation has led a vicious attack against Bishop Bishoy, demanding the elimination of his entourage, which has been a bad influence on Pope Shenouda and isolated him from his congregation.
Several Copts demanded an investigation after the driver of Bishop Bīshouy termed Bishop Baphnotius, the Bishop of Samālout, an "enemy of Orthodoxy."
Disciplinary measures start with investigations, which must be conducted by a neutral fair investigator, who is obliged to hear statements of the witnesses and the priest’s defense. Decisions are taken by consensus, and therefore the author argues that the claims that Bishop Bīshouy has been...
The assistant accused Bishop Baphnutius of "rebelling against Orthodoxy” due to his failure to attend the Holy Synod’s sessions for years. "The punishment for attacking Bishop Bīshouy would not be small, and Baphnutius is tightening the noose around his own neck.”
A group of Copts headed by the Bishop of Samāllout is calling for the dismissal of Bishop Bīshouy, who they say has assaulted the dignity of the church and has abused his power.
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