Displaying 101 - 110 of 141.
Sāmir Nasīm, a young Coptic man in his thirties who owns a computer maintenance shop in Bāb al- Lūk in Cairo, has resorted to hanging a piece of paper saying “It is prohibited to discuss politics” in the shop.
Calling them the “shayhks of fitnah (civil strife),” Azhar university professors have criticized shaykhs affiliated to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Al- Da’wah al- Salafiya has denounced the fatwá of Shaykh Muhammad Abd al- Maqsūd (possibly affiliated to the Muslim Brotherhood) calling for burning police cars and attacking policemen’s houses.
Islamists are calling upon the Muslim Brotherhood to start a revising their religious doctrines.
Writing in 1999 for al-Usbūʿ newspaper, Hānī Zayyāt and Muṣṭafā Sulaymān expressed the
An article on the Nahda Movement in Tunisia.
“The roundtable meeting invitation by the U.S. embassy in Cairo with Clinton was extended to Christian figures to discuss the status of Christians in Egypt. However, I, as an Egyptian politician, am ready to discuss issues of citizenship and human rights with Egyptians on national grounds but I...
“This Saturday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will do something that no U.S. Secretary of State has ever done: meet with a democratically elected president of Egypt. The meeting should be about more than symbolism. Egyptian women were at the forefront of their revolution, but the systemic...


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