Displaying 1 - 7 of 7.
A review of a book entitled, ‘Alwan Al-Hurreyah,’ [Colors of Freedom], by Sameh Fawzi. The book discusses the evolution of democracy around the world and focuses on what needs to be done in Egypt to promote democratic ideals.
The National Endowment for Democracy’s new orientation has caused uproar among Egyptian human rights organizations who believe in their right to choose their projects without interference from donors.
A number of European and American organizations have decided to fund Egyptian NGOs and human rights organizations concerned with development issues.
"Kifayà" [enough] movement leaders face huge criticism concerning their mixed ideologies and double standards.
The spokesman and general coordinator of the Egyptian Movement for Change, Kifāya, George Ishāq, has been interrogated by leaders of the movement about his participation in a dubious U.S. conference, held last month in Istanbul, Turkey and attended by a large number of Israeli academics.
Rose al-Yousuf informed sources has made it clear that an amount of $ 10,000 has been transferred to Dr. Sa‘d al-Dīn Ibrāhīm from a well-known U.S. organization.
The information al-Arabi provided about Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim does not match other reports. The Al-Arabi article strongly gives the impression it is intended on character assassination.
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