Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
One of the members of the military wing of the Gama’at Al-Islamiya surrendered himself to the police after hiding for seven years. He confessed that he knew nothing about religious matters, yet he was chosen for the military wing because he was well built.
Bishop Bakhoum of Sohag, Maragha and Al-Munsha’a said that the statement of Pope Shenouda III confirmed that what happened in the Al-Koshh events was an ordinary incident, and it has nothing to do with Egypt’s national unity. What foreign papers published were exaggerations that defame Egypt, and...
Also Sidhom writes about how the story of el-Koshh escalated.
Al-Wafd paper spent 15 hours in Al-Kushh village accompanied by Bishop Wissa. In an interview with the bishop, he answered a number of inquiries about the village’s events.
It was not a coincidence that the British Sunday Telegraph, owned by the Jewish media moguls, has launched a fierce campaign against Egypt and its national unity at this particular time.
Despite of the unity of the Egyptian people, both Muslims and Christians, the sectarian climate will result in hateful behavior. This behavior results in creating a sectarian atmosphere between Muslims and Christians, and this atmosphere will always be there as long as there are people who with...
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