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This paper begins by reviewing Egypt’s post-2011 transition prior to 2013, which includes briefs on the 2011-2012 parliamentary elections, the 2012 presidential elections, and unrest and sectarian violence during the period between Ḥusnī Mubārak’s overthrow and the summer of 2013.
Dr. ‘Ibrahīm Nigm, the advisor to the Grand Muftī, announced that Dār al- Iftā is  launching an international campaign that will urge the international media not to use the term the “Islamic state” and rather to say the “state of Qā’idah offshoots.”
10 were killed and 11 wounded in a car bomb attack on a security checkpoint in al-ʿArīsh [al-Arish], North Sinai. This information was provided by medical sources. The attack was followed by a clash with automatic weapons, which led to the wounding of 10 policemen and 10 civilians. Furthermore, one...
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