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Egyptian media has published abstracts from Imām’s book of revisions. The book was recently published to announce al-Jihād Islamic organization’s initiative to quell violence and lead interventions.
The final version of the Jihād introspection book was approved by the Azhar. The introspections will be annexed to the other two books of the ideologue of the Islamic groups, Imām ‘Abd al-‘Azīz, who apologized for all killings committed based on his previous books and stressed the importance of...
The article talks about the refusal of al-Jamā‘ah al-Islāmīyah to attend a conference which will be held by al-Ahrām Center for Strategic Studies.
The articles talks about the release of 130 members of the Jihād Organization. Muntaṣir al-Zayyāt, lawyer of the Islamic groups, described the release of the Jihād prisoners as a “positive” step.
Leaders of the Jihād Islamic group are about to issue their report on their adjusted strategies and tactics against using violence. While the majority of the group seems to approve of the amendments, some of the leaders consider the document unreliable according to possibility of having been...
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