Displaying 41 - 50 of 168.
Reviewer: Nuhayr ‘IsmatMuḥammad al-Bāz asks Bishop Basantī some question about the corruption taking place in the Ḥilwān bishopric.
al-Fajr publishes echoes of Muhammad al-Bāz’s article against Pope Shenouda. Coptic figures defend Pope Shenouda and refute al-Bāz’s arguments.
Muḥammad al-Bāz, the author, believes that Pope Shenouda III has been following a sectarian plan, which allows him to gain the loyalty of Coptic citizens instead of the state. This is so that the pope can head a parallel state.
The author discusses the rumors circulating regarding the conversion of Muslim and Christian men of religion to other religions.
In the beginning, the church had obtained a permission to build a service facility over a plot of 500 square meters it owned and surrounded with a mud brick wall. Part of the wall had fallen down due to several cracks and strong winds. The wall was not re-built due to rejection by the security...
Muhammad al-Bāz reports on Pope Shenouda’s new novel entitled, ‘Jalsah Sakhibah fi Majlis Sulṭān al-Thalām’ [A Clamorous Meeting at the Council of the Emperor of Darkness]. The novel sheds light on the means that devils can use to mislead people.
Muhammad al-Bāz talks about being threatened with death by an Islamic group after he published an article urging Islamic scholars to refine the Islamic heritage from superstitions and fabricated stories added to the life of Prophet Muhammad.
Alain Roussillon, director of the Centre d’Etudes et de Documentation Economiques, Juridiques et Sociales [CEDEJ], passed away. Discussion about the book ‘Civil Society Exposed: The Politics of NGOs in Egypt’ In Cairo.
Muslims refuse the Vatican pope’s invitation to the Azhar shaykh.
A group called the ’Coptic Group for Church Reform has issued a statement accusing Pope Shenouda of helping to kidnap Pope Yūsab, the 115th pope, through writing and planning.


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