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An episode of the Egyptian Ramadan television series “The Choice 2 [al-Ikhtiyār 2]” has sparked controversy across Arabic media over its depiction of the break-up of the Rābiʿa al-ʿAdawiyya Mosque sit-in in Cairo in 2013.
This meeting took place in a hotel on December 12, 2012, only days before the referendum on December 15. The text in this report has been approved by both the SGP delegation and Dr. George Missīhah.
Diyā’ Rashwān, a researcher at al-Ahrām Center for Political and Strategic Studies, gives special attention in al-Shurūq to the stylistic features of the terrorist attack outside the Two Saints Church, Saint Mark and Pope Peter in Alexandria. According to Rashwān, the bombing carries the...
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