Displaying 21 - 30 of 34.
The transcript of an interview conducted by Cornelis Hulsman with Kamāl Zākhir Mūsá, in which Mūsá provides a background of his work and publications. Mūsá further describes his own experiences and confrontations with the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt.
Coptic Orthodox Church member and businessman Kamāl Zākhir Mūsá speaks out about internal problems in the Egyptian Coptic Orthodox Church.
Discussion about the issue of divorce in the Coptic church, the ten conditions under which divorce was allowed in the 1938 law, and Pope Shenouda’s rejection of these conditions.
Reflections on the life of Father Mattá al-Maskīn.
A review of the death of Father Matta al-Maskīn, who led a mystical life at the desert and was an inspiration to many young monks, at the age of 87.
The report examines the definitions of polemics, the differing views of what constitutes polemics, including the Danish cartoons and the play in Alexandria which led to sectarian violence, Mīzān al-Haqq, a 19th century Christian polemical book against Islam and the Gospel of Barnabas, which is the...
Summary of the Ph.D. thesis of Revd. Dr. Wolfram Reiss about the Sunday School movement in the Coptic Orthodox Church with a focus on the role of Pope Shenouda III and Father Matta el-Meskeen and the place of the church in a Muslim society. Reiss´ study provides an excellent insight into the...
Will writings about Coptic Orthodox Church ever break out of the mold and will dialogues tackling its affairs ever be directed to serve its best interest and steered away from the fights for the Papal Chair?
The recent reactions to the movie "Baheb Al-Sima" [I love cinema] conveyed the existence of a mutual misunderstanding. Consequently, two remarkable aspects should be examined: 1-Christian fundamentalism-extremism: 1-Christian 2-Fanaticism-Sectarianism
Christianity Today published a long article by Cornelis Hulsman about H.H. Pope Shenouda and Father Matta el-Meskeen, two major reformers in the contemporary Coptic Orthodox Church. The article is presented in this issue of the RNSAW with permission of Christianity Today. You will find here...


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