Displaying 1 - 4 of 4.
The author discusses his view that Zionists are fighting all other divine religions and trying to impose their idea that every believer is a terrorist.
A recent Administrative Judicial Court ruling allowing Egyptian Bahā’īs to have their religion recognized on official documents and the issue of Bahā’ī marriage have been a subject of heated debate in the Egyptian press.
It is true that many Qur´anic verses mention that God preferred Jews to the whole world. However, God favored the people of Israel to all other peoples only when they believed in the Torah and obeyed His orders. God also promised them with the Holy Land. But when Moses asked them to enter the...
The Copts Daily Digest placed a criticism of an article of Dr. Zaghloul el-Naggar which was published in April. Dr. Al-Naggar wrote in that article that the revealed books before the Qur’an, including the Bible, were all lost or altered. Pastor Ameal Haddad wrote a strongly apologetic response,...
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