Displaying 1 - 10 of 36.
The Maronite denomination emerged in Egypt in 1745, when the Aleppo monk, Mūsa Hilāna, consecrated al-Bārija, the first Maronite church in Damietta (Dumyāṭ), as well as in Egypt and Africa.
Despite Muṣṭafā Kāmil’s large presence in Egyptian political life at the end of the 19th Century and the beginning of the 20th Century, his death didn’t change much for the Egyptian national political move against the English.  Muḥammad Farīd and others were able to complete his trajectory...
Archeologist Dr. ʿAbd al-Raḥīm Rayḥān, general director of research and archeological studies and scientific publications in south of Sinai, confirmed that the library in Saint Catherine’s Monastery is considered the second most important collection of manuscripts following the Vatican. In a...
The crisis in Libya has led to an increase in tension between Egypt and Turkey. The relationship between the two countries has been difficult ever since the Egyptian coup d’état in July 2013, except for the economic exchange between the countries which reached 5.3 billion USD. 
The exhumation of the tomb of one of the dead in the cemetery of the abandoned village of al-Lajūn sparked the anger of the Palestinian Arabs in the valley of ʿĀra.
Political and social theorist Sir Isaiah Berlin famously compared nationalism to a ‘bent twig’, ‘forced down so severely that when released, it lashed back wit
Following a Facebook post, published by a group called ‘Anā Min al-Ḍāhir’ (I am from the district al- Ḍāhir), announced that an agreement was met with the Jewish community in Egypt to tour 3 Jewish synagogues in Cairo and visit the premises from the inside. 
German organization Misereor decided not to continue support for the Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Translation (CIDT) after 1 July 2019 for reasons of policy change. CIDT has been supporting the Center for Arab-West Understanding in turn. Misereor has been good for around 35% of their...
In 1535, the system of Capitulations of the Ottoman Empire began. Henceforth, foreigners in the Empire were subject to their own prosecution in specific courts. This also applied to Egypt. However, the situation of foreign Christians was much better than the situation of Egyptian Christians
Background: There is a short interview with a student of the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary (ABTS) about Christian missionary work in Morocco. The major part of the recording is Zuzana Skalova, a Czech art historian speaking about the conservation of Coptic icons in Egypt. One of her central...


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