Displaying 91 - 100 of 115.
An emigrant Copt sent a letter to the editor-in-chief of Al-Ahali, complaining about an article by the Christian columnist Nagy George, who criticized Michael Meunier for writing lies in a press release claiming that the Egyptian police had fired rubber bullets against an exaggerated large number...
Michael Meunier, the maintainer of the Copts Daily Digest placed the link of an article of Mohammed Salmawy, editor-in-chief of the Al-Ahram Hebdo and chairman of the Arab Defense League, on the Digest he found Salmawy subtly criticized president Mubarak for blaming the Copts outside of Egypt for...
The Copts Daily Digest published on July 8 an attack of Dr. Raafat Labeeb on an article of Mustafa Mahmoud in Al-Ahram a day earlier. Dr. Mahmoud wrote in that article that the Torah mentions nothing about the afterlife because Jewish rabbis had deleted everything from the original text to that...
The author believes that this crisis was engineered as a way for outside bodies to become involved in Egypt’s internal affairs. He questions the aims behind publishing the article and the timing. He claims it was not an attack on Copts but on the whole of Egypt and national unity.
U.S. Copts Association reported three months ago that a church was destroyed in the bishopric of H.G. Bishop Marcos. The destruction was followed by a presidential order to rebuild the church immediately. Yet, three months later, a press release of the U.S. Copts Association states, the governor of...
[RNSAW: Michael Meunier, president of the US Copts Association, only refers to the objections of Commissioner Nina Shea of the Freedom House to the report. He is obviously disappointed that all his activism did not produce the results he had wished.]
Meunier is obviously not happy with the request of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Beni Suef to stop his campaign for Fayza. He makes one threat after the other. His correspondence is provided here.
Bishop Ghabriel writes sister Fayza lives "in a secure position and the church is perfectly taking care of her. Her children are enjoying great care and love, on the part of the church. The church is also keen on solving her financial and social problems." And "We want brother Michael Mounier to...
We wrote in the RNSAW, week 17, art. 18, that the information in the April 27 press release of the US Copts Association claiming the Egyptian government "moves to abduct two Coptic children from their own mother and hand them to strangers, under the name of Islam!" is misleading. Both the chairman...
A Christian mother and Muslim father are battling in a US civil court for custody of their 3 small children. The father has asked the courts to give him sole custody of the children in order to ensure that the children to be "influenced" by Christianity. It does appear that the court will strip the...


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