Displaying 71 - 80 of 96.
Watani reports on the recent Egyptians Against Religious Discrimination conference that was held in the Egyptian capital.
A reconciliation celebration was held between Muslims and Christians of al-Tayyibah village in Minia.
The author comments on articles from the Egyptian press this month, in particular stories about houses of worship and the unified law for houses of worship and the second anniversary of the constitutional amendments.
Dr. Denis MacEoin believes that the British government must stop extremist tendencies from developing in Muslim schools in the U.K
The author reviews stories from the Egyptian press over the last month. The articles he picks up on include a story about Christian Qur’ānic readers, a Muslim carpenter that make crucifixes and the tale of a convert to Islam who believes the church is hiding his family to prevent them from...
A young female journalist called Fātimah al-Zahrā’ Muhammad had a strange experience in the house of the controversial preacher Shaykh Yūsuf al-Badrī.
The author attacks the Qur’ānists and supports the decision of the Egyptian judiciary and the Ministry of Interior that does not recognize the Bahā’ī faith.
Al-Dustūr features Jamāl al-Bannā and writes about his life and ideas.
The author discusses the case of Wafā’ Qustantīn, and wonders why her case has been given such a great deal of attention.
An investigation by the Times has revealed that some Muslim children in the U.K are being abused and beaten by their teachers at Islamic evening classes.


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