Displaying 91 - 96 of 96.
The author reflects on three different recent incidents that he believes should worry moderate Muslims and questions why international organizations have not spoken out against these events.
The article discusses the process of increasing the space allocated for religious items in the media during the Muslim holy month of Ramaḍān, and the decrease in articles that discuss topics related to non-Muslims.
A review of Tahar Ben Jelloun’s novel ‘This Blinding Absence of Light.’ The author of the article stresses the book’s focus on faith and compares it to some of the other artistic works mentioned in the novel itself.
It is said a Muslim is not an apostate unless his heart inclines towards another religion. Because what is in one’s heart is known only to God, there must be conclusive external evidences to consider a Muslim an apostate. The article highlights these evidences and shows that death is the punishment...
Bishop Bakhoum of Sohag, Maragha and Al-Munsha’a said that the statement of Pope Shenouda III confirmed that what happened in the Al-Koshh events was an ordinary incident, and it has nothing to do with Egypt’s national unity. What foreign papers published were exaggerations that defame Egypt, and...
For the second year the Dutch intelligence agency, condemns Muslims residing in the kingdom.


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