Displaying 41 - 50 of 215.
Imām al-Bukhārī grew up as orphan, but his mother ensured his scholarly studies at a young age. He had a long tour all over the Muslim world, where he met with senior scholars, studied information he had received from nearly 1,000 shaykhs, and collected about 600,000 ḥadīths (the Prophet Muḥammad’s...
Al-Azhar Mosque resumes its sixth episode of programs under the title “Women’s Rights in Islamic Sharī ͑a” today (Wednesday, May 25, 2023), under the sponsorship of Grand Imām Dr. Aḥmad al- Ṭayyīb.
President of the Protestant Community in Egypt, Rev. Andrēa Zakī, attended the graduation ceremonies of students of al-Mithāl Theology College in partnership with the Xplore Nations Bible College in Egypt.  
The al-Azhar conference hall hosted ceremonies to congratulate the winners of the “Heritage of Imām al-Māturīdī” research contest. The ceremony was attended by the Grand Imām of al-Azhar, Shaykh Aḥmad al-Ṭayyīb, as well as leaders from various research organizations. The contest was implemented...
The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Ṭamūh has started a new course for youths entitled “Sacred Agpeya”, which will begin on February 16 and last for one month.
Maryam remembers herself and her female classmates sitting on the school benches when they were no older than four or five, but in the nineties, they lost years of education during the rule of the Taliban [Ṭālibān]. In the opinion of the young woman of Afghanistan, the same situation is returning...
The Logos Forum for Coptic Orthodox Youth continues its activities for the seventh consecutive day, under the slogan: “Enjoying the Roots”, in the presence of Pope Tawāḍrūs.
To preserve and spread the heritage of his holiness Pope Shinūda III, the Teacher of Generations Center dedicated a booth at the Cairo International Book Fair exclusively to the collection of his works.
Akhbār al-Yawm Portal interviewed three Coptic leaders over their thoughts on whether or not Copts should be allowed to attend al-Azhar University. 
In Egypt, there is a new experiment going on to cultivate the principles of mutual understanding, tolerance, and acceptance of others; a Muslim is teaching at an Evangelical seminary, and a Christian is teaching at al-Azhar. 


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