Displaying 1 - 10 of 20.
Fr. Yūwāqīm, Coptic Orthodox Bishop of Isna and Armant, has taken a pastoral visit to the Holy Land. He was accompanied on his journey to Jerusalem by several fathers and priests.
After 300 years of neglect, al-Jiddāwī‎ archeological agency [wikāla al-Jiddāwī], built in 1792 in the Egyptian city of. Isna, comes back to life again after its development and reconstruction.
Calm was restored to the city of ‘Isnā, southern Luxor governorate, where sectarian troubles took place after differences between Copts and Muslims over a plot of land belonging to the Virgin Mary Church for years.
This article reports on the recent sectarian incidents in Isnā and Bayyādyyah.
Marina Ihab reviews Watani International colleague Nadir Shukry’s book about reconciliation sessions. In his book, Shukry documents 19 sectarian cases which have undergone traditional reconciliation sessions that resulted in the culprits being freed while the victims never receive justice.
’A unified law for building worship places... necessity and impediments’ was the title of a seminar that was recently organized by the Egyptians Against Religious Discrimination group. Members of Parliament, human rights activists, public and media figures attended the seminar and it was led by the...
The Coptic Orthodox Church entrusts Coptic businessman to play a role in resolving sectarian tension.
A man has been fined and sentenced to a month in prison for trying to remove the niqāb of a woman that he thought had stolen a mobile phone from his shop.
The author reflects on 2007 and looks toward 2008 and the challenges that must be tackled in Egyptian society.


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